2023-24 Easley Bands Fundraisers
Support your band by supporting your local buisinesses! Some of the items we are trying to raise funds for are maintenace on "Little E" (our small enclosed trailer), replacing the Band's sound system , replacing the cart/dolly used for moving the water coolers, replacing the Gator/Mule and rewiring/replacing the flat green trailor for hauling props. Donations, Grants and Fundraisers make all of these things possible. And none of these things are possible with out YOUR help and support!

Spirit Night at The Habit Burger Grill!
Visit Habit Burger Grill in Easley to help support your favorite Marching Band! Habit Burger will donate a portion of their sales on from 4pm to 9pm on Wednesday, February 28th! Go out with friends and family to have a great burger and help out our band! Don't forget to show them the flyer!

Spirit Night at Rapid Fire Pizza!!
Visit Rapid Fired Pizza in Easley to help support your favorite Marching Band! Rapid Fired Pizza will donate a portion of their sales on from 11am to 10pm on Tuesday, November 14th! Go out with friends and family to have a great pizza and help out our band!

Spirit Night at Amici!!
Amici will be hosting a fundraiser Tuesday October 17th from 11am to 9pm! Come on out and support your student and the band! Enjoy Wings, Pizza and cold beverages!

Spirit Night at Good Karma!!
Visit Good Karma in Easley to help support your favorite Marching Band! Good Karma will be donating a percentage of their sales from 5pm to 8pm on Wednesday, September 20th! Go out and enjoy an ice cream and help our band!

Fruit Sales!!!
October 4th through the 25th we will be selling fruit to raise funds for the band! You will be able to purchase from a student directly or online and your student of choice will get the credit. Online sales will be open through Oct 18th.
Our Sponsors